Welcome to Django-adtools’s documentation!


Django-adtools is a package with a set of utilities for integrating web applications based on the Django framework with MS ActiveDirectory.

All documentation is in the “docs/build” directory and online at http://django-adtools.readthedocs.org

Short example of using Active Directory authentication system

# views.py

def post(self, request):
    form = LoginForm(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        if ad_login(  # checking, if user is able to login using Active Directory credentials
            dc=DomainController.get(),  # A hostname or an ip address of a Domain Controller
            domain=settings.ADTOOLS_DOMAIN,  # A name of domain, e.g. domain.com
            group=settings.ADTOOLS_GROUP,  # A group name of valid users
            # get full domain username like user@domain.ru
            username_without_domain = ad_clear_username(form.cleaned_data['username'])
            username = f"{username_without_domain}@{settings.ADTOOLS_DOMAIN}"
                # looking for existing user profile (case insensitive)
                user = User.objects.get(username__iexact=username)
            except User.DoesNotExist:
                # create a new user profile, if it does not exist
                user = User(username=username)
            login(request=request, user=user)
            return redirect(reverse(f'{__package__}:index'))
    context = {'package': __package__, 'form': form, 'login_failed': True, }
    return render(request, f"{__package__}/login.html", context)

Indices and tables